Grab a coffee and get really comfortable for this absolutely fascinating account of Putin and his regime.
I'm chatting with Prof Mark Galeotti takes us through various aspects of Putin's regime, his thinking and how he conducts his affairs. How do the Russians view him? What are his designs on the West? Spy stories, anecdotes on various key players in Putin's inner circle and much more. Jacopo Iacoboni, investigative journalist at La Stampa, reveals new info on Russian designs and operations in Italy under the Conte 1 & 2 governments.
Prof Galeotti is the director of the consultancy firm Mayak Intelligence and his curriculum denotes his life long experience in the field. His book - We need to talk about Putin: How the West gets him wrong- is gripping and gives us deep understanding of Putin and the regime. Please check out his website - In Moscow's Shadows- for his articles and podcast.
My warmest thanks to CTP's senior researcher Davide Cortese and Bensound for the pod music.
We sincerely hope you enjoy the episode!
Thanks for listening,
Putin's Russia with Mark Galeotti & Jacopo Iacoboni
Russia's Objectives, Reach and Influence
Apr 09, 2021
Coffee Talk Politics
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